08-10-08 – Ready for vacation

Even though I’m only going to be going on vacation for half a week, I’m ready for it, and I’m going to make the most out of it.  On Wednesday, my father and one brother are taking the bus into Philadelphia, where I’ll pick them up.  They’ll stay here Wednesday night, then on Thursday morning, we head down to Ocean City, New Jersey for three nights.  I think I really need a break from work right now, so this is coming at a good time.

I stayed pretty good on the eating plan this weekend, but I overdid it a little bit last night.  We went out for dinner to a local diner in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, where my father and one brother live.  I ordered too much food and ended up going a little over my calorie total for yesterday.  I had planned to go out to dinner, but didn’t plan on eating that much.  I had a piece of bread that they brought to the table (but I stopped at one!), then I had a cup of chicken rice soup which came with my meal.  I then had lettuce (good) with hot bacon dressing (bad), which also came with the meal.  When my meal arrived (veal cordon bleu), the plate was literally almost covered with food!  It was two huge veal cutlets with ham and melted swiss cheese sandwiched between them!  After the other things I had already eaten, I ate less then half of the veal, and got a box for the rest.  It was way too much food, but it had a very good flavor.  Even though I went 130 calories over my 2000 limit for the day, I’m not considering it a cheat, because in days past, I would have finished the entire meal, even though it was way too much, and I had the restraint to stop when I was full.

Since I went a little over last night, I decided to forgo my diner breakfast this morning.  For lunch I had part of the leftovers from last night’s veal, then threw the rest away.  For today, I actually came in 165 calories under 2000, so I think I made up for yesterday.  Tomorrow morning’s weigh-in will tell if I lost any ground over the weekend, but I don’t think I did.  I also got some walking in every day this week, so that’s good.

OK, that’s it for tonight, more tomorrow . . . .

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2 Responses to 08-10-08 – Ready for vacation

  1. jeffsher63 says:

    I know that Ocean City has Italian Sub shops, but do they have any good Chinese take-out? 🙂

  2. pstarr999 says:

    I think they have some of those all-you-can-eat places, but I’m sticking to the seafood joints!!

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