04-17-08 – Another Painful Day

I had lots of lower back, right hip and leg pain again today.  Of course, I had two hours of back-to-back meetings at work this afternoon, which didn’t help, especially since the chairs in our conference rooms are like sitting on rocks!  I had to keep standing up to stretch, but I made it through.

I had PT in the aqua-therapy pool after work.  I wasn’t able to complete my program of exercises, even in the buoyancy of the water.  I actually feel better now than I’ve felt for the last two days.  Hopefully, tomorrow will be better.

There were no extracurricular snacking temptations at work today, but there was one at PT.  One of the other patients, North Jersey T, was arriving just as I was leaving, and she had brought two giant pizzas for the therapists and other patients.  I respectfully declined and left.  I love pizza, but it doesn’t love me.  It’s the sauce that’s the killer.  I’ve had acid reflux for many years and finally had an upper endoscopy done back in December.  It showed that I have a hiatal hernia and the biopsies showed the presence of Barrett’s Esophagus, so I avoid cooked tomato products.

I already know that there will be another pizza temptation tomorrow at work.  We’re having our annual spring cleaning day to try and spruce up our work area, and they always order pizza for the whole department.  I’ve already packed my lunch for tomorrow, so I’m planning on resisting that temptation.

Other than that, I was good on the eating today, and plan on making it two days in a row tomorrow!!

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2 Responses to 04-17-08 – Another Painful Day

  1. jeffsher63 says:

    Hey, why don’t you come up next weekend for a Revello’s run 🙂

  2. jeffsher63 says:

    Yes, hence the 🙂

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